Algún momento entre el 1927 y 2021
2023, Photo album page, 38 x 30 x 2,5 cm
Empty Stage is a series of works that refer to an active void. The conceptual research departs from one photo album that used to belong to my grandmother who passed away at the age of 96. All photos were taken out, but the imprint of them; of moments between 1924 and 2021, remain on every page. The series refers to deaths as portals to rebirth and regeneration and to traces being filled differently.
Material Identities
2022, empty photo album page, bone, ceramics
2022, wood, empty photo album pages, fiberglass, wax, coconut mesh, 15 x 25 x 4 cm
Huella I
2023, Wood, burnt waxed paper and acrylic gouache, 20.5 x 43 x 2.5 cm
Huella II
2023, Wood, burnt waxed paper and acrylic gouache, 19.5 x 2 x 4 cm
2023, Wood, porcelain, coconut mesh and acrylic gouache, 30.5 x 43.5 x 3.5 cm
2023, Paper, fabric and wax, 58 x 22 x 2.5 cm
Baby Shaman
2022, ceramics, coconut mesh, acrylic sheet, 20 x 65 x 5 cm.
Documentation of a rock cut grave as Pla dels Albats necropolis in Olerdola, Catalunya (9th-12th c.)
Baby-shaman’s grave I, 2022, Archival pigment print
Baby-shaman’s grave III, 2022, Archival pigment print
Baby-shaman’s grave II, 2022, Archival pigment print
Documentation of three babies’ graves in the Pla dels Albats necropolis in Olerdola monumental complex, Catalunya. (9th-12th c.).
Left grave is occupied by water, the center grave is a reproduction made on site for educational purposes, the right grave is occupied by pine foliage.
Regeneration I
2022, Archival pigment print, 100 x 140 cm
Regeneration II
2022, Archival pigment print, 100 x 140 cm
Burnt Imprints
2022, burnt paper, 40 x 55 cm
2022, burnt paper, coconut mesh, acrylic fabric, 40 x 55 cm