2023, ceramics and brass, 25 x 19 x 20 cm
Gota I
2023, ceramics, 7 x 20 x 20 cm
Gota II & III
2023, ceramics, 2.5 x 20 x 20 cm p/p
Gota IV
2023, ceramics, wood and velvet, 6.5 x 20.5 x 20.5 cm
Navel as Vessel,
2023, installation; ceramics, sand, glass bottle and water; drops falling once a minute, 250 x 250 x 400 cm.
* Here shown during Prospects 2023, Art Rotterdam, NL
Navel as Vessel is part of the Centering series of works and research which focus on forms and practices that ground us as individuals and allow us to remain in the eye of our personal hurricane. It is a conceptually quiet installation to re-ground and re-center; reminding us of what centers us mentally, physically and spiritually.
It echoes the omphalos, as the ancient Greek called the navel, which is also the name for a renowned baetylus located at the Temple of Apollo; a sacred pillar where spiritual energy is concentrated, and believed to mark the center of the earth.
This water receiving navel symbolizes the limitless vessel that holds all, and the ultimate void where everything is lost. A portal where the two realms of light and dark meet in a stationary orbit.
Navel as Vessel
2020, Ceramics and raw clay, 93 x 32 x 32 cm. Exhibited in the solo exhibition Liminal at Galeria Pelaires, Mallorca (2024)
Zen-Centering as a Tool
2020, 90.5 x 90.5 x 350 cm (variable height), Cement, water & glass
Photo & video credit: Elisa Bergel Melo
Ombligo de agua
2020, Ceramics and water, 20,7 x 20,7 x 10,5 cm.
Navel as Vessel, 2022, diptych - photographic inkjet print
Our Centers
2022, video installation, 90 x 90 cm x varying height.
A video work projected on a water surface inside a concrete vessel. The video depicts centrifugal forces, within and out of our control. As a central installation, the work becomes the navel of the space.
the center as metaphor for Now
not the past or the future
Sunrise Meditation - performance as opening of Celebration of Time - Reflection in Time from Nannet van der Kleijn, 2020, Bradwolff Projects, Amsterdam, NL
Cosmic Navel
2021, Ceramics, plexiglass and thread, 70x30x30cm
I took my navel out for a walk
2020, ceramic, 20 x 20 x 110 cm
generative mindsets as centering tools
Reptile Navel,
2020, ceramic, 20 x 20 x 40 cm
& peroní seed centered during my artist residency at Joya, SP
the center as a conclusive point
like the grammatical point
the center of introspection
the center between intimacy and immensity
Public Vortex
2021, ceramic & metal, 20 x 20 x 30 cm
the center as navel
as concentration point of vital energy
Terracota Navel Vessel,
2020, ceramic, 20 x 20 x 35 cm