This photographic collection entitled Filogenia studies dominican lichen mainly growing on Royal Palms from the countryside of La Romana (East Cast) and Samaná (North Bay), in the Dominican Republic.


“Geodesia 1”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”, 3/7 prints

“Geodesia 2”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”, 3/7 prints


“Tetrad 1”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”

“Tetrad 2”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 40”, 2/7 prints


“Tetrad 3”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”, 1/7 prints


“Liquen crustáceo 2”, 2014,
Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 22” x 13.5”, 5/7 prints


“Composición polifilética”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”, 5/7 prints

“Costa”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 40”

“Mare Erythrias”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 31” x 18.7”, 6/7 prints


“Delta”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 17” x 10.5’”, sold out,

“Piélagos”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 22” x 13.5”, 5/7 prints


“Hypsos 2”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 17” x 10.5”, 4/7 prints


“Bryzoa”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 35.5” x 22”, 4/7 prints


“Liliópsida 2”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 56.6” x 22”, 4/7 prints


“Hypsos 3”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 35.5” x 22”, 7/7 prints


“Bióticos 3”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, 2/7 prints


“Bióticos 6”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, sold out.

“Bióticos 4”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, 3/7 prints

“Bióticos 2”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, 6/7 prints

“Bióticos 1”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, 6/7 prints


“Bióticos 5”, 2014, Archival pigment print face-mounted on acrylic, 27.4” x 10.5”, 6/7 prints


The Filogenia collection consists of 28 high quality photographs, each one has a limited edition of 7 prints. They are fine art archival pigment prints face-mounted on 1/4" acrylic with a smaller 3/4" x 1 1/2" wooden frame in the back, including a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity. 

Since these are limited editions, please allow at least three weeks for the production of the artwork once it has been ordered. These works are shipped from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, incurring in additional charges for international shipping.

The photographic collection Filogenia is the intimate process of observation and register of local Dominican lichen by Julia Guzman Conde. Lichen are organisms product of the symbiosis between algae and fungi, woven randomly by nature into vegetation tapestries that form patterns containing multiple visual codes.

Viewing these botanical abstractions, we are invited to enter the discrete complexity of small ecosystems that are formed with pinpoint accuracy.

Julia selects, amplifies and digitally manipulates minimal fragments of these formations focusing on details that in their own habitat often go unnoticed.  She shows us a set of unpredictable visual elements in perfect balance: Bleeding degradations of blue, rough gatherings forming crusts that resemble ferric oxide, green sprouts that remind us of the crystal structure of malachite…

These visual elements unfold with such uniqueness that they blur the actual material identity of the surfaces, adopting an appearance ranging from textile fibers to ceramic glazes.

Filogenia is the subtle reflection of the mysterious compositional purity of nature. ­

 Ysabela Molini, Art Historian

Julia Guzman’s Filogenia is a brilliant new series of photographs in the career of this greatly gifted emerging artist from the Dominican Republic.

Each graphic statement has an extraordinary singular beauty, and as a group the mysterious images interrelate with visual power.  It is as though we are looking down from space at some totally new world of intricate textured landscapes.

The rich range of color and variety of graphically crispy textures in these lichen forms were discovered by Julia, who captured the magic that most viewers would miss.

I want to live with these lovely works on my walls where I can experience them again and again.

Ann Parker, Photographer

La muestra fotográfica Filogenia captura el íntimo proceso de observación y  registro de líquenes regionales  dominicanos, realizado por Julia Guzmán Conde. Los líquenes son organismos producto de la simbiosis entre algas y hongos, tejidos al azar de la naturaleza en tapices vegetales que forman patrones colmados de códigos visuales.

En este recorrido de abstracciones botánicas, somos invitados a penetrar la discreta complejidad de pequeños ecosistemas de precisión milimétrica.

Julia selecciona, amplifica e interviene digitalmente mínimos fragmentos de estas formaciones enfocando detalles que en su hábitat propio suelen pasar desapercibidos.  Nos muestra un conjunto de elementos visuales impredecibles y en perfecto equilibrio: azules en degradación sangrante, aglomeraciones rugosas que forman costras semejantes al óxido férrico, brotes verdes repollados como la estructura cristalina de la malaquita…

Estos elementos visuales se desenvuelven con tal singularidad que difuminan la real índole matérica de las superficies, pudiéndose tratar desde fibras textiles hasta esmaltes cerámicos.

Filogenia es el sutil reflejo de la misteriosa pureza composicional de la naturaleza.

 Ysabela Molini, Historiadora de Arte

Filogenia de Julia Guzmán es una nueva y brillante serie de fotografías  en la carrera de esta dotada artista emergente dominicana.

Cada manifestación gráfica tiene una extraordinaria belleza singular, y como grupo las misteriosas imágenes se interrelacionan con un gran poder visual.  Es como si estuvieramos mirando desde el espacio un mundo totalmente nuevo de intricados paisajes y texturas.

La rica gama de colores y la variedad de texturas en estos liquenes fueron descubiertos por Julia, quien captó la magia que muchos observadores pasarían por alto.

Yo quisiera vivir con estas hermosas obras en mis paredes donde yo pudiera disfrutarlas una y otra vez.

Ann Parker, Fotógrafa