Julia Aurora Guzmán’s exhibition still refers to a void activated by the memory of its past presence. It is the externalization and formulation of a mourning process. Like the Japanese term nagori, meaning “the imprint of waves”, it refers to the nostalgia of the ending cycle, the atmosphere of something that no longer exists or has yet to exist. Composed of a set of pieces formalized in different media that constellate around a central sculpture, still seeks the light that shines through the cracks and that which can sprout from the end of a cycle. Still in the eye of the hurricane, stillness of meditation. It is in the still water where ripples happen, in silence where the drop is heard: returning to the present, to the source, aware of its own finitude.
Wave Column
2020, Ceramics, 100 x 96 x 20 cm
Navel Column
2020, Ceramics, 95 x 22 x 22 cm
Ombligo de agua / Water Navel
2020, Ceramics and water, 20,7 x 20,7 x 10,5 cm
2023, Diptych of ceramics, seed, bone and metal, 27.5 x 23 x 9 cm
Algún momento entre el 1927 y 2021
2023, Photo album page, 38 x 30 x 2,5 cm
Nagori II
2023, Porcelain 30 x 37,5 x 1,75 cm
Complete exhibition dossier - click here to download pdf